The Old Main Cup
In honor of your reunion year, we invite you to join our reunion challenge for The Old Main Cup, consisting of three challenges to encourage friendly competition between classes. The college bell, housed in the left tower of Main Building, tolls three times for every Wofford graduate: after Opening Convocation for each first-year student, at Commencement for each graduate, and on All Saints Day. The Bellringer Bucket will go to the class recognized for staying connected to Wofford between the bell's tolls! The Papadopoulos Platter will be given to the class with the most dollars raised. Dr. Gus Papadopoulos '54 donated over $1 million to Wofford, saying "Whatever I have, I owe to Wofford." The Papadopoulos Building now houses the Office of Philanthropy + Engagement and the Papadopoulos Platter honors his generosity. The Beneficent Bowl will be awarded to the class with the highest participation percentage. As the tradition goes, students rub the "I" on the plaque in Old Main for luck, leaving their mark on Wofford. The class who wins the Beneficent Bowl will be recognized for leaving their mark on the college through collective giving. Winners of the Old Main Cup will receive their bucket, platter, or bowl along with a case of champagne to enjoy during the reunion party!